End of the World?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get your masks and Shot Guns ready! everyone have emergency preparedness kits?

Some things you might not have thought of to Include.

seeing as they are going for FACE attacks a full face helmet and goggles with respirator should be in everyone's closet!

Here's one =)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Zombie Masqurade

Hey Fun idea!

Zombie Apocalyse Masqurade Party!

We could make Masks or print them!

Also for more Zombie fun a link so some Freebies Click---> Free Zombie Stuff See you guys Stalking! YOU SEE THAT ZOMBIE DUDE!!!
So checking the Latest News Reports this morning the Miami Herald has just reported a New police shooting on the side of the Freeway! But as I read further it was talking about a Naked Man EATING a mans face along the side of the road. And to top things off there is a Video of the 2 naked people both male. One fat, one dead. The policeman who has yet to be named who first discovered the two ordered the man to back away he did comply, so the officer fired Once.

But the man STILL continued Munching on this dudes face.

So more shots rang out on this Random man eating another Random mans face. Taken out after six shots.

Now the police have made this into some sort of drug related incident brought about by too much sun and cocaine.

I guess you get an appetite for human flesh too.

The story reports that the police want all the video surviellence pulled. The video that is up right now won't be up for long so if you know how to grab a video can you grab it for me I haven't been able to find one for this type.... I'm not saying he's a Zombie or the result of some form of a new rabies outbreak, or the Wolfman himself. I'm just saying It won't be long now... before something like this happen again. YOU SEE THAT ZOMBIE DUDE!!!!

More updates coming soon! You heard it here At youseethatzombie.blogspot.com

P.S. if you have any zombie sightings please feel free to e-mail me links or comment below =) happy hunting. lets chronicle the coming zombie apocalyse together. =P Jump To the Story! (HERE)